Proiect Vino la școală! Schimbă-ți destinul mi se pare unul interesant și care vine cu o mulțime de beneficii pentru noi, elevii din mediul rural.
Proiectul care mi-a schimbat viața
De când am început proiectul VINO la ȘCOALĂ! Schimbă-ți destinul! am învățat să cooperez mai mult cu ai mei colegi, iar relația noastră cu profesorul grupei, care este și dirigintele nostru a evoluat.
Rusu Maria
Apostu Andreea

Vlăduț’s story
Vlăduț Muscalu is a child who, apparently, fits into what we call normality: a sixth grade student with mediocre results, cheerful, energic, always in action. Only the absences section caught our attention because there were whole days when he did not attend school.

A true story
In the commune of Sânzieni and the related villages, the Roma community is poor due to absence of education.
Stories behind the project
From this project I learned that if there was still a need to be a teacher, it does not mean to plan some activities, to enter the class, to teach a lesson and to go out, closing the door behind you. To be a teacher means to open the door of your soul to the souls of the students, to see in the children the happiness, the suffering, the joy, the emotion, the states that are behind each personal history of these students. But this requires time and availability, it means trust on both sides, which is gained over time.